Marine Collagen Peptide Powder

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in human body, found in skin, tendons, muscles, and bones. In the Skin, Collagen provide strength and elasticity. As people get older, skin collagen levels fall and collagen fiber become thinner and weaker. Most study found, the lower the collagen contain in body, the more skin aging and wrinkle forms because skin loss its elasticity from collagen.


Functionality & Types of Collagen

Collagen mostly use for cosmetic and medical as skin fillers, wound dressing, tissue regeneration, skin revitalitation. 

Collagen can be found in animal connective tissue, such as Beef & Chicken bones, Skins, also fish. In the market, we can easily found two types of collagen source: Bovine (Beef) collagen & Fish Collagen.

Bovine collagen is cheaper by price and better taste and odorless, but lower bioavailability. Bovine collagen mostly use for intestinal, gut and joint health. On the other hand, Fish Collagen has better bioavailability, easier to absorb by human skin, therefore mostly use to skin health and reduce wrinkle. 


About our Collagen?

Our Collagen source is from marine or fish collagen. We directly import from Seagarden, Norway as They has the most advance technology to produce high bioavailability collagen. We sell fish collagen in peptide form, to increase its absorbtion in human skin. Norway also known as one of the richest country in marine and fish products.

AMC & Seagarden, together continue develops our market and its need. We are now providing new fish collagen which is better in taste, less fishy and instant soluble in water. It is friendly use, mixed to your juice, food, milk, coffee or any types of food you prefer.


For further information, please contact our sales teams.